
Plastic waste is a major environmental problem both locally and globally, and in the future all manufacturers who bring a product to the market will ensure that the packaging is recycled. It is a particular problem for food manufacturers who, for the sake of the food's durability, package the food with a multi-laminate film. Today, such films are incinerated, but from 2025 they should be recyclable. According to the Packaging Directive, an extended producer responsibility is introduced, which imposes on the producers the financial and organizational responsibility for the handling of the packaging in the waste phase.

In the 'Circular Mono Plastic Packing' project, four technologies are to be developed that enable the production of flexible packaging made from a single type of plastic, so that the food packaging can be reused to a greater extent.

In this way, the Danish incineration of plastic can be significantly reduced, and it will also be a competitive advantage when Danish companies can provide a solution to the recycling requirements that food producers for the European market will soon be faced with. The Innovation Fund Denmark has invested DKK 11 million in the project